Thursday, September 22, 2011

Awesome cardboard tree house!

My attempt at the tree house :) not great but  I really enjoyed making it :)
Hi! well i started this blog to hep those cheap crafters create awesome things out of recyclable items! 
This first craft that i would like to show you is a cardboard tree house. It is a fun and fairly simple craft that anybody can do! no skill required! all you need is a little patience :) I give credit to family fun magazube where i found this fun idea. And remember it will NEVER turn out perfect or the way it looks in the magazines or websites, so don't be discouraged :) have fun!
  • tacky glue
  • 2 cardboard paper-towel tubes
  • acrylic paint
  • paintbrush
  1. null Cut three trunks from the cardboard, with the corrugations running parallel to the longer sides. For strength, cut three 3- by 24-inch cardboard strips and use tacky glue to adhere each to a trunk as shown.

    When the glue is dry, cut two slots on each trunk as marked on the template.
  2. null Cut one 19-inch circle for the base and three 12-inch circles for the floors. Cut three slots into two of the floors. Cut a 1 1/2-inch hole for a chute in all three floors.
  3. null Cut three wall shapes from the cardboard, keeping the corrugations vertical. Cut out windows and doors. Bend the walls to follow the curve of the floor circles. Cut the cardboard tubes in half lengthwise.
  4. null Cut three tree canopy shapes and their slots. Paint both sides of the shapes leafy green.
  5. null Assemble the tree. Slot the two middle floors into the trunks, making sure the location of the chute holes are staggered, as shown in the finished tree. Place the assembly on the base. Secure every joint with tacky glue.
  6. null Glue the top floor in place. Slot the canopy shapes onto the top floor and glue them to the trunks. Place the cardboard tube chutes with their bottoms next to a trunk.

    Glue the chutes to the holes and to the trunk sides. Finally, glue the walls in place.